I took a break from the scrapbook for a bit to work on the invitations for my mom's surprise 60th birthday dinner. I'm happy to say she was surprised, and the event went very well!
Now that the invitations are finished, I return to the Biltmore scrapbook. It's Labor Day. Adam and I took Summer to Ft. Smallwood Park for a bike ride and picnic earlier. We've returned in time for Summer's nap.
This page is a continuation of the tour - to the cellars of the winery. I have four pictures for this page, so conserving space is a must. (image 1)
I decide not to use any photo mats for this page. However, I do need something to provide background to the photos. I check my paper options. I don't want something too busy but definitely want something that will go along with the subject matter of the pics. I have two choices: a piece of 12 x 12 floral vellum and a piece of 12 x 12 burgundy with types of wine in gold. I decide I'm going to cut strips to go behind the pics, in a sort of off-cross shape. I decide the floral vellum will work best since there are flowers and vines in the pics, and since there's a speckled pattern on the gold dust refill page.
The best pic of the page is of Jen & Leslie in front of the cellars sign, so I position the cross part of the strips directly under that. (image 2)I'm planning on journaling for this page, but I'll have to create my own journal box using a template I received at a previous Creative Memories event. As for the color of the paper, that is a toss-up between something muted (like beige or brown) and something bright (like fuschia or green). I test beige and fuschia. Fuschia is too bright and beige blends in too much. So I consider light pink, which seems to work well. I cut the size I need with the personal trimmer. Fortunately, I had nearly the right size scrap leftover from doing the invitations. I draw the lines using the aforementioned template and fuschia fine tip pen (another freebie from a previous event). (image 3)
I was so pleased with the numbers I cut for the invitations, I do them again with light pink and salmon paper from the pink paper pack, spelling "The Cellars."
Time to start dinner. Our neighbor Joe is coming over.
(Sept. 5 - Wednesday evening)
Adam is off work this week, so he and Dad put the frame of the shed up today. It's very exciting to see it come together. It's going to give us some much needed room in our basement.
It's evening. Mom and Kathy are here, and we are all hard at work on our projects. Mom needed to make a couple of things into stickers using my sticker maker. Kathy ordered some refill pages and tape runner.
I ask Kathy what album she will work on next. She says high school or recurring album. "The high school album has remnant newspaper clippings, so it is not really a scrapbook." Sure it is, I say, that is exactly what a scrapbook is! Kathy comments that the page protectors only cover the refill pages between the reinforced edges. She had not been trimming the 12 x 12 paper to fit, but will start doing so.
I trim the pic of the hallway to the champagne cellar because the salmon letters I cut overlapped it slightly. I just cut the foreground set of letters in pink, and I adhere them together with the mini tape runner. I goof on the letter "E" and put the adhesive on the wrong side, so I carefully remove the adhesive using the pick-up square. When all the letters are done, I write my journaling with the fuschia fine-tip pen.
Kathy is getting ready to leave. Adam offers to carry her stuff. "If I can't carry it myself, I shouldn't carry it," she jokes. "I have a suitcase on wheels; it's just not big enough!"
Now, I'm ready to adhere everything. I use frosted splits to adhere the vellum because they "disappear." I use tape runner & mini tape runner for everything else. I wipe the photos with my polishing cloth. I place a few foam dots on the die-cut of the champagne bottle and adhere it. Then, I slide the page protector on. Another page bites the dust (but not off the wine bottles).
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