To circumvent that dilemma, this year I've decided to create a mix of digital page prints along with a few traditional scrapbook pages. I started with two pages entitled 2009 Year in Review. This template is available free on the Creative Memories digital center, along with several others. I just uploaded my pictures, dragged them into the template and ordered the prints. CM will print and deliver them straight to my door!

All I have to do is slide them into a side-loading sleeve or adhere them to a traditional refill page and add them to my album. I should be able to fit more pages in my album by using the page prints, since they won't add extreme bulk to the pages.

I've already planned which digital content I'm going to use for the page prints in conjunction with the Storybook Creator Plus 3.0 software (download from my website). Most of the content will comprise Primary and Jewel Power Palette Additions with a sprinkle of Earthy, Delight, and Black/White. The Black/White and Delight content are included with the Storybook Creator Plus software!
The best thing about the digital artwork is that, once purchased, it can be used again endlessly on a variety of projects.
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